Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"On the Road" with a Virtual Tour of Blogs: Love Ya Like a Sister

OK, so Love Ya Like a Sister is touring the "blogosphere"--a word almost as cool as "bathysphere."

The purpose of this blog post to to provide the background information.

A young adult fiction group agreed to organize a free blog book tour for me. I'll provide more information later about this group if permission is received. The bloggers are mostly young adults--in fact, mostly young women in their teens and twenties. I suppose this makes sense, young avid readers growing up in the information age, users of technology.

Here is my tour:

I've been preparing for the tour by submitting material to my tour coordinator: information about myself (which I structured as a multiple choice quiz), ten books significant to my life (with comments), interview questions about the writing of the novel, and so on. I've also sent on jpegs for my "garage sale," such as a photo of the Austin Healey I owned in my first year of college and a photo of me at age eighteen.

 I'm not done yet--I've sent out info for the first five "specials" and also copies of the novel. 

Of course, I'm immensely interested in the reviews--but experienced enough to not hang my heart on the sharp tip of another writer's quill. One of my students was reading my novel today and showed another student a section. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, and that was a good moment for me. 

I'll post regularly about the process. Check here or "like" my Facebook writing page, since I post there all things writing. 

Copyright 2011 by Thomas L. Kepler, all rights reserved


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