Can you see the angels dancing? In the last three weeks, I have sent out nine query letters to literary agents, asking them to represent me and my novel The Stone Dragon. The result? Four "no thanks" (the quickest "no" response in thirteen hours), four not yet responding (if ever), and this morning a short request for additional material.
Remember when I said in an earlier post of "My Writing Life" that seeking publication is a pass/fail proposition? I've just received the following message from a New York literary agent: "I'd be happy to take a second look--no promises," and I'm thrilled. No form rejection letter!
Wish me luck! "I think I can.... I think I can...." Meanwhile, I'll continue working on my next book and researching more agents to query.
I know I can do that.
Copyright 2009 Thomas L. Kepler, all rights reserved
That is gr8!