Sunday, October 9, 2011

National Novel Writing Month: November 1-30
NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month: 50,000 words
NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program: set your own goal

I've never seriously considered "going for it" because I have a life outside writing--but I'd like to. And maybe I will, and I'll keep it secret. I won't even tell you.

People will say, "Where's Tom? He's here at work, and then he just disappears. What's that all about?" Meanwhile, I'll be off somewhere with my mini netbook or with my flashdrive pouncing on available computers: guerrilla time management.
National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing on November 1. The goal is to write a 50,000 word, (approximately 175 page) novel by 11:59:59, November 30.
Last year more than 200,000 individuals signed up for the event, and more than 30,000 ended the month with a 50K draft of a novel. The spirit of the event seems to be to get the words on the page (or file), and then you can lean back and enjoy the moment--you've just completed the first draft of a really bad novel. That's where all novelists start, anyway, with a sloppy copy.

The Basic Information
What: Writing one 50,000-word novel from scratch in a month's time.

Who: You! We can't do this unless we have some other people trying it as well. Let's write laughably awful yet lengthy prose together.

Why: The reasons are endless! To actively participate in one of our era's most enchanting art forms! To write without having to obsess over quality. To be able to make obscure references to passages from our novels at parties. To be able to mock real novelists who dawdle on and on, taking far longer than 30 days to produce their work.

When: You can sign up anytime to add your name to the roster and browse the forums. Writing begins 12:00:01 November 1. To be added to the official list of winners, you must reach the 50,000-word mark by November 30 at 11:59:59. Once your novel has been verified by our web-based team of robotic word counters, the partying begins.

Still confused? Just visit the How NaNoWriMo Works page!
It's a nice idea. It's a wonderful dream. Is it a goal? I'm not telling!

Copyright 2011 by Thomas L. Kepler, all rights reserved


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