A mop and a broom it was. "They're just my size," Mom said. She's five feet tall.
"Oh, what are those?" she asked as we walked by some gizmos.
"Toilet bowl scented cleaners," I replied. "Would you like a lemon-scented one?"
"No, I like the ones in the blue package better," so it was potpourri.
"Let's look for baby powder," she said. I replied, "They only had little bottles yesterday," to be told, "That was yesterday." And by golly, they had big ones today. We bought two.
"Let's look for more spray scent. I like the rose." We found it. Two spray cans. I have discovered that any scent that smells even remotely human is unacceptable and must be annihilated.
Also combs--a pack of three: one for her, one for me, and one for my brother.
Total outlay for the splurge? A little over seven dollars. "Why pay more?" she said. "Lots of people shop here to save money.
I think what I mostly saved were memories.
Copyright 2013 by Thomas L. Kepler, all rights reserved
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