Sunday, September 1, 2019

Scratch That Writer's Itch

Blog writing that is shared with a particular, lively community is a rewarding writing endeavor. I've been writing my little blog, Green Goddess Glamping, about tiny travel trailers and camping, for a year now.

That year of writing produced over 50,000 page views for my blog and one hundred email subscriptions. Now, I realize this isn't much compared to some blogs, but for my individual efforts, I find this modest success rewarding. The important things for me, though, is a consideration of the most basic definition of "writer." A writer is one who writes, and my success with Green Goddess Glamping has provided me an audience, allowed me to write about my interests, and has just provided me a fun time steadily writing. That's good because I feel that the steady flow of ideas and words on the page aids my creativity. The educational, higher order thinking skill term is fluency: many and diverse ideas.

Green Goddess Glamping
However, I've been thinking about short stories I've written and ones that are still in the draft stage, stories based in the Dragons of Blood and Stone universe. There are some that I'd like to finish polishing, and  some I'd like to develop. Looking at the map of my made-up universe, ideas are popping for a few new stories. Soon my wife and I are heading out for a ten-day camping trip. Maybe I'll take a peek at that short story draft, entitled "Blade" right now.

A little change is always good, and "Blade" is set in the wilderness . . .


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