Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Writing Discipline II

I'm an early riser, and I'm using that to my advantage.


Last week, I exceeded my "minimum pages revised " goal of twenty pages--I revised 31 pages. This included some serious time-intense commitments over the weekend, too. How did I accomplish this? How did I exceed my goal and still deal with my non-writing life (the one that pays the bills)?

Yes, that's right--I'm an early riser, so I wrote first thing in the morning. Having achieved my minimum goal of two pages on a work day, I then got on with my work. No strain, and what a wonderful way to begin the day: creation at sunrise!


I am moving forward with my virtual book tour: nine blogs and eighteen posts. This should give me some exposure to readers, and it should provide me with a beginning place for making further connections.

I still need to complete the file for uploading to Smashwords for an e-book edition of Love Ya Like a Sister. This is a big time-relevant task because the book tour will begin March 14, and at least one reviewer will need an e-book edition because of being outside the USA.


Honestly, I am timing myself with networking. My focus right now is on sharing my writing and marketing with my online friends and colleagues. It's amazing how fifteen minutes can become an hour. Ouch!

You guessed it--no more monkeying around.

Copyright 2011 by Thomas L. Kepler, all rights reserved


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