For most of my life, I was a writer--a poet, actually. I wrote and would occasionally send out batches of poems via snail mail. Marketing occupied a small amount of time.
Now I am a writer who is also an independent businessman, so I write, market, and network.
And why the title of this blog? Because it is sooooo easy to network and market, and to decide it's too late or I'm too tired to write.
I'm revising my fantasy novel The Stone Dragon right now and set myself a very modest goal of twenty pages a week. That doesn't sound like much, but it means that I'll be finished with the revision by the end of the school year. Then I can have the summer to work out my marketing plan and to implement it.
My progress? Week One: 31 pages! Week Two: 5 pages.
All is going well on the marketing front. I should soon be busy with a virtual tour of book review blogs for my novel Love Ya Like a Sister. I have just signed up with Smashwords today and hope to upload the Smashwords edition of LYLAS this weekend.
My free book giveaway continues to the end of the month.
Yeah, I interact on my social newworks: Facebook and LinkedIn.
So see ya later . . . I need to get back to my writing.
Copyright 2011 by Thomas L. Kepler, all rights reserved
Congrats on your revisions. I'm a new follower.