Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Writer's Appreciation of Maharishi School and Consciousness-Based Education

I would like my writing to be appreciated for its deepest value.

In order for that to be possible, readers have to respond to writing from deep within themselves. I have to elicit that response; the readers have to have the lively ability to contact their deeper selves.

I am pleased that the reviews of my fantasy novel, The Stone Dragon, seem to reflect that nurturing interaction between writer and reader.
The story is constantly referring back to consciousness. How it affects us, how everything is all connected through it, and how it is our birthright to contact our inner silence through consciousness.
One especial review, the first review for the book, was written by a former student. Sebastien is a tenth grader, going to school in Florida, the last I heard. I had him as a student at Maharishi School when he was in the 7th grade but then moved away.

Here is what Sebastien said in our recent correspondence about his experience at Maharishi School:
Maharishi School was a unique, refreshing experience. For once I felt that education taught me how to LIVE and not just how to get a job. It expanded my understanding of consciousness and especially myself. I knew myself better when I was meditating at Maharishi School than any other place. Essentially, TM taught me who I am. 
I was very happy when I heard that Sebastien had seen that my novel was available for online purchase and that he had bought the Kindle edition for his iPad. He wrote me a note, saying that he had bought it and that he would review it when finished. After three years of not hearing from him, it was a wonderful, unexpected connection.

I was curious as to what Sebastien would write. He had been a student at Maharishi School, engaged in the school's Consciousness-Based approach to education, and had practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique daily.

However, three years later, how would he react to a "consciousness-based" novel? How had he fared in the wide world?

Below is his Amazon review:
A story of magic, consciousness, love, and confronting fears
For a story that starts out in a garden, it goes a long way from home. Just as a warning, this review will contain a few spoilers. At first glance The Stone Dragon seems like just a fantasy novel, but in reality it is so much more. Glimmer (the main character) starts out in the garden of the stone house owned by his master, Alma-Ata. Glimmer, or, Not-A-Glimmer-Of-Magic as he is sometimes referred to as, is frustrated. His master is a Mage who teaches him nothing because he shows no magical talent himself. In time, Glimmer learns of the true magic his master possesses and the powerful magic that lies dormant within himself as well. Without spoiling too much I will say that Kepler crafts a world of magic and fantasy that has aspects from traditional fantasy, while still keeping it original and fresh.

The story is constantly referring back to consciousness. How it affects us, how everything is all connected through it, and how it is our birthright to contact our inner silence through consciousness. There is an underlying theme of consciousness throughout the book and while Glimmer is on his many adventures. The ending of the story is fantastic and certainly doesn't disappoint. It seems so appropriate after seeing everything that has happened and how everything has winded down. One of the best books I've read and I'm certainly looking forward to the sequel and the short story coming out. Excellent job, Kepler.
I would say, "Excellent job, Sebastien."

I am teaching Sebastien's classmates this year in American Literature. We would all like to have him in the class with us. I am happy, though, to see that Sebastien is able to value the role of consciousness in his life. And I'm happy to see that he's still reading. After all, I was his English teacher!

Copyright 2011 by Thomas L. Kepler, all rights reserved

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done, Sebastien. Great review.
    Nice to see you are keeping in touch with your Fairfield roots.
