Friday, April 17, 2015

The First Sentence of My Next Novel

The night before last, lying in bed and drifting off to sleep, I sat up and said to my wife, "I'm writing something down." I walked to the kitchen, clicked on the light, and wrote a sentence.

"Nice that you're thinking about your next book," my wife said when I returned.

No, I'm not going to write the sentence here. It will probably change. It's about a trail in the mountains, sounds echoing off the walls of the ravine.
  • What are the sounds?
  • Why is the character in the valley?
  • What is coming his way?
It was good to start. For this novel I want to write a more substantial overview, even though I've written the first sentence already. I'll probably write more images and scenes as they come to me.

I've got about 6 weeks of my job left. Good things happening. The light in the valley is lambent with possibility.

Copyright 2015 by Thomas L. Kepler, all right reserved


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