Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Thank you, Holly Moore

This is what my Facebook friend and former neighbor posted on Facebook the other day:
That half hour after storms when the greens are so green and the retreating rain clouds are so blue, and the cottonwoods look like white lace against the sky with their bright red catkins hanging from the tips of branches, and the red-winged blackbirds are posed perfectly on the pollen blanketed cedars? Yeah. That was my dogwalk this morning.
Thank you, Holly, for the beautiful inspiration. And the word inspire, or course, literally means "to take in spirit."

Spring is that time of year where we are reminded, where we are infused with dynamism arising from silence--spring arising from winter. Thank you, Holly, for the beautiful inspiration.

My wish is that we all take in Spirit, that this spring we find the greater reality--that we live this spring as just one aspect of the Wholeness, that the wave is just one manifestation of Ocean.

The beauty of bright red catkins hanging from the tips of branches! The beauty of the bright! The beauty of the red! The beauty of the branch and the tree and the earth from which life grows! The sap within the catkins, within the branches, the essence of it All!

Thank you, Holly, for the beautiful inspiration. That was not a dogwalk you took, rather, a Godwalk.

Copyright 2015 by Thomas L. Kepler, all rights reserved


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