Friday, October 9, 2015

An Amtrak Zephyr Video for My Grandson

After making an Amtrak video of the Rockies Mountains with fall colors, my wife told me that my grandson had really liked the video. The next morning, I decided to make another, more tailored for a child three years old.

How did I do that? Why, I put in images and clips of as many trucks, trains, and earth movers as possible. Not a case of less is more but of more is more!

I also selected a more rambunctious sound track for the video. I've also tried to make all my videos around a minute, for sure no more than two minutes. I'd rather leave a viewer wishing for more than having to plod through till the end.

I have more videos at my YouTube site. I shot, edited, and shared this with my wife with my iPhone 6+.