I haven't published anything for a while beyond my blog--and I'm interested in getting back into my independent publishing part of my writing. Therefore, I'm putting together a free ebook of three flash fictions stories that were published in three online magazines a little less than ten years ago.
- "Cull," in Metazen, 2010 (magazine no longer active)
- "Spider," in Every Day Fiction, 2010
- "In the Beginning," 365 tomorrows
I am glad that in this small way I'm refreshing my publishing sites, reviewing the steps of publishing, and reviving my writing beyond blogging. I'm also enjoying reminding myself how to do some basic work with photos in order to create blog headers and book covers. All good--and useful--skills.
It's a cold, cold Iowa winter, my wife's gone on business, and I'm looking forward to exploring a new publishing venture. Without cost to me or my readers, no worries! I'll let you know when the ebook is available.
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