Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Flash Fiction Experience

This has been an interesting winter, what with a front tooth extraction (tooth #9). The experience literally put me off my feed, and it also motivated me to give myself a break and to take it easy for a while. Funny things can happen, though, when stepping back for a little rest--good-funny things. Writing a flash fiction story recently was one for me.

I woke up at dawn, which is not unusual for me, but I had this scenario in my head, this story, this moment when reality shifts. And so I got up, sat down with my laptop, and wrote out the mind event--680 some words. The storyline is about an elderly couple checking out a new "antique shop," aka junk store, for some new finds. The theme, though, is about reawakening and rejuvenation. Set in spring, my subconscious must have already been looking past this winter while I slept. I'll take the gift. 

I revised the story about four times over a month, working with my comfortable routine of writing and then letting the work sit for a time before coming back to it. One thing I like about flash fiction is the quick return on my effort. The satisfaction of saying, "Yes, it's done!" doesn't have to be put off for a year or two. That's a good feeling.

I've submitted the flash fiction story to the online literary website Every Day Fiction. Theme submissions seem to be my flash fiction forte (alliteration!) for this website. My previous publishing here was a Halloween story called "Spider." My submitted story, "Out with the Old," is submitted for the March theme of springtime. 

Until March arrives (and if the story is accepted), feel free to read "Spider." I had wanted for years to write a creepy story, so writing a Halloween story was a fun exercise. Another flash fiction story, published on New Year's Day in 2011 at 365 Tomorrows is "In the Beginning," a science fiction story. I do seem to flash on specialty themes. This sci fi story is a twist on the Adam and Eve narrative.

Now for me it's on to writing more on my science fiction story that I've been posting on Amazon's Vella, titled at this point Grav Board. I started this novel during an emotionally challenging time, just sitting down at the keyboard and letting myself slip off into another universe, exploring another planet. Great fun! I've taken about six weeks off from this story, so now it's time to get back! Cheers!

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