Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Day Out with Mom #15: my father, the storyteller

A master journeyman automobile mechanic, my father was a storyteller and a teller of jokes. My older sister and younger brother followed his example. I, the quiet middle child, became the writer, the witness, the reporter. I followed my own path but still inherited his love of words. Below is one of my dad's stories.

This video was originally posted in 2009 when my father was 89 years old. I wanted to post it now to provide a balance to his challenges that face him at 93 years of age. To use a comparison from my dad's life as a mechanic, we cannot determine how beautiful and useful a car was during its time by just evaluating its last years, worn and battered from its duty.

Copyright 2013 by Thomas L. Kepler, all rights reserved

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