Sunday, August 17, 2014

I Leave Retirement and Return to Maharishi School

Yes, I made the decision to return to a full-time job.

I won't be teaching though; rather, I'll be writing press releases and working with social media for Maharishi School. The work will be  something I've done before, yet not to the level of focus that I'll have in the Development Office at the school.

The question, of course, is why I decided to leave retirement for full-time work. After all, I was really enjoying retirement. Well, the answer is that I did it for my wife in order for it to be easier for her to leave her current position, to have more time for family, and to also help provide the opportunity for her to work for herself.

I decided that working at Maharishi School would be a lot easier on me than her current work load and environment is currently for her. It wasn't too difficult to make that decision, though. After one week of work, everybody at school has been very positive and supportive.

Years ago, before I decided to enter education, I really wanted to be a journalist. Now I have the opportunity to research, write, and publish articles daily. I had fun last week and also learned a lot.

The world has progressed too much over the years for me to enter the printing room and shout, "Stop the presses!" I might be able to shout into the copy room, though, "Pause the printer!" It doesn't quite have the same ring to it, but I'm comfortable with the decision I've made. I suppose I've just "paused" my retirement for a good cause. 'Nuf said.

Copyright 2014 by Thomas L. Kepler, all rights reserved

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful gift to your wife. No wonder that you feel positive about it. Those seem to go hand in hand. Do a thing for the right reason, and it becomes self-rewarding.
